Other Notable Submissions

We are grateful to the many organizations that made the effort to respond to the IPC’s Transparency Challenge. Although not all projects and initiatives submitted could be featured as exhibitors in the Transparency Showcase, notable mentions go to the following:

City of Barrie

Discover GeoHub

We highlight another City of Barrie project in the Transparency Showcase. The Discover Barrie GeoHub is an online web mapping site that allows the public to access useful, frequently requested city information.

Ministry of Education

Ontario’s Curriculum and Resources Website

The Ministry of Education’s Curriculum and Resources Website gives the public access to a wealth of information about Ontario’s curriculum and learning resources in a modern and interactive way.

Ministry of Energy

Map of Ontario Electric Utilities Service Boundaries

The Ministry of Energy’s Map of Ontario Electric Utilities Service Boundaries is an interactive web map about the province’s electrical system, helping to improve energy literacy in Ontario.

Ministry of Transportation

Ontario Highways Program Publication & Technical Consultation Portal

The Ministry of Transportation’s annual Ontario Highways Program provides the public with information about highway-related capital projects. Their Technical Consultation Portal enables the public to view and comment on new policies, standards, and other documents in development. The ministry’s Ontario 511 initiative is featured in the Transparency Showcase.


City Clerk’s Office (CCO) Service Enhancements

We highlight another City of Toronto project in the Transparency Showcase. The CCO’s recent advancements to improve transparency include hybrid committee and council meetings, the publication of registries, data, and records, a new Toronto Meeting Management Information System, and ensuring that appropriate privacy measures are a foundational part of the City’s developing Digital Infrastructure Plan.

Brock University

Archives and Special Collections

Brock University’s Open Access initiative appears in our online gallery. Brock’s Archives and Special Collections is a publicly available, diverse collection of archival material assembled over the past 50+ years.

Ministry of Finance

2022 Budget Consultation

The 2022 Budget Consultation led by the Ministry of Finance, which pivoted to virtual approaches due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ensured citizens’ input was considered in the province’s financial roadmap for the year.

Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility

Standards Development Committees under the AODA

The ministry’s Standards Development Committees under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) ensure transparent and participatory policy-making in the development and/or review of legally-required accessibility standards.

Public Health Ontario

COVID-19 Data Tool

Public Health Ontario’s Interactive COVID-19 Data Tool is a comprehensive source for epidemiological information and trends to date about the COVID-19 virus.